Charites of the York Rite

Grand Chapter Philanthropy

The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Maryland supports many charities and scholarship programs during the year.  Two of the most important are those connected with Royal Arch Masonry. By clicking the links below you will find out more about them.

Royal Arch Research Assistance

D. Ross Van Sant Scholarship Forms


Grand Council Philanthropy

We are excited about the advancements and expansions and look forward to continuing these, with your generous support and philanthropy.
This support is absolutely critical in allowing us to pursue new ideas and tackle new diseases while maintaining a robust program in the already well-established areas.

Cryptic Masons Medical Research 

Grand Commandery Philanthropy

We are excited about the advancements and expansions and look forward to continuing these, with your generous support and philanthropy.
This support is absolutely critical in allowing us to pursue new ideas and tackle new diseases while maintaining a robust program in the already well-established areas.

The Knights Templar Educational Foundation

The Knights Templar Educational Foundation Committee considers all applications for scholarships, without regard to age, race, religion, national origin, gender, of Masonic ties or affiliations. These scholarships are not “grants in aid”, but are open to all students regardless of their financial circumstances. Click here for more

The Knights Templar Eye Foundation

The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, incorporated in 1956, is a charity sponsored by the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of the six elected officers of the Grand Encampment, all Past Grand Masters of the Grand Encampment, and six trustees-at-large elected from and by the membership for a term of nine years. It is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code and contributions made to the Foundation are deductible by donors. Click here for more

Knight Templar Holy Land Pilgrimage

The Knights Templar Holy Land Pilgrimage is a program of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the United States of America.

Our Mission: To send credentialed Christian Ministers on a Biblical study and historical/cultural immersion experience who would not have the opportunity otherwise.

Purpose: To strengthen Christian ministry by providing an intensive travel and study program for credentialed ministers in the form of a study-pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Our experience tells us how much the opportunity to ‘walk where Jesus walked’ can positively affect the preaching, teaching, and spirituality of Christian ministers. It is our plan to immerse the Pilgrim ministers in the land, the sights, the sounds, the history, and the cultures of the Holy Land, past and present. Click here for more