Knights Templar Uniform Regulations

The Knights Templar have a distinctive and unique uniform. There is the basic full dress uniform, a summer uniform, and the cap and mantle uniform. In Maryland, the full dress uniform is the standard uniform. Individual Commanderies may, at their election, wear the cap and mantle or summer uniforms, but to “mix and match” uniform options is not permitted (that is, all wear a specific uniform at a specific time).

  • The dress uniform for a Sir Knight is a black US navy-style coat, work with plain black trousers, tie, shoes, and socks. Headgear is a black chapeau with a black plume. It is recommended that the chapeau be stored covered, dry, and hanging upside down in order to extend the life and appearance of the plume. If you do not have a chapeau, it is permissible to wear the dress cap per the Grand Commander.
  • The fatigue uniform is similar to the dress uniform, except the fatigue cap, and white gloves are worn.
  • If your Commandery adopts the cap and mantle and/or the summer uniform, your Commander, Recorder, or petition-signer will inform you of the specifics required and the proper wear of the uniform.
  • Officer and members wear silver colored insignia, while Commanders and Past Commanders wear gold-colored insignia.
  • Current dais officers (equivalent to Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens of the Symbolic Lodge) wear shoulder straps of green; Past Commander and officers of the Grand Commandery wear shoulder straps of red. Past Grand Commanders and Grand Encampment officers wear purple shoulder straps.
  • The complete uniform is normally work at Order conferrals, special observances, parades and Grand Conclaves.
  • Please refer to the rules and regulations of the Grand Commandery of Maryland governing the proper wearing of the uniform and accoutrements. (see below)
  • All officers of a Commandery are required to have, as a minimum, the full dress uniform of a Knight Templar, and all Sir Knights are encouraged to have one.
WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE A UNIFORM: While a uniform is required for all the officers of a Commandery, it is optional, but strongly encouraged, for all Sir Knights. The sooner you acquire your uniform, the more you will feel a part of your Commandery. Until you have acquired your uniform, you are encouraged to attend your stated and special conclaves in a regular suit and tie, just as you would wear to any other Masonic meeting. When wearing a business suit, it is appropriate to wear your Malta jewel on your left breast. If you want, pin the jewel to a piece of cardboard or similar stiff paper and place it in your breast pocket. You can also attached it to a pocket jewel carrying case, such as a past master’s jewel might have.


Grand Commandery of Maryland UNIFORM REGULATIONS

From the “CONSTITUTION, REGULATIONS And BY-LAWS of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar Of the State of Maryland“:





SK Coat
1. The Templar coat shall be a double breasted coat made of dull black fabric with three outside pockets, one on each hip with straight square flaps and one on the left breast, and three black Cross and Crown No. 30 (/4-inch diameter) Knights Templar Buttons down each forefront. Coat Button
2. Each sleeve shall be trimmed with a strip of silver braid (lace), one-quarter inch wide, encircling the sleeve at a point three inches from the bottom of the braid to the bottom edge of the sleeve. Each sleeve shall be ornamented with a bullion/embroidered or metal red passion cross two inches in height which may be outlined in silver without rays, placed on the outside center one half inch above the lace. No sleeve buttons or velvet cuffs. SK Sleeve
3. The coat shall have a three to four inch slit over the left hip either under the pocket flap or in the side seam (to be used for access to sword hook and sling straps). Sword Slit
4. Lapel pins shall be worn one-half inch below the notch and properly centered with base parallel with the notch. A silver “MD” lapel pin shall be worn on the right and on the left lapel the member’s Commandery number in silver. SK Lapel Pins
5. Shoulder straps, when authorized, shall be attached one-half inch in-board from each shoulder seam. Shoulder straps are authorized for:  
  • Captain General
Cap General Shoulder Straps
  • Generalissimo
Generalissimo Shoulder Straps
  • Commander (green background with emblem of office in silver)
Eminent Commander Shoulder Straps
  • Past Commander (red background with passion cross with rays)
Past Commander Shoulder Straps
  • Grand Commandery Officer (red background with Templar cross)
Grand Commandery Shoulder Straps
  • and Past Grand Commander (purple background with Templar cross)
Past Grand Commander Shoulder Straps
6. The coat shall be worn with a plain white shirt having a turn down collar, a plain black tie without jewelry, black trousers and buff-colored gloves. (Not in the Constitution, but for further clarification):
  • Black trousers should be without cuffs. There should be no braid, stripe, or piping at the seams, nor any other ornamentation.
  • Socks should be plain black without any ornamentation.
  • Shoes shall be of black leather, of any desired style.
Shirt Tie Pants



The Templar coat shall be the same as that of the Sir Knights except as herein specified. Each sleeve shall be trimmed with a strip of gold braid (lace), one-quarter inch wide, encircling the sleeve at a point three inches from the bottom of the braid to the bottom edge of the sleeve. Each sleeve shall be ornamented with a bullion/embroidered or metal red passion cross outlined in gold with rays, two inches in height. Commander Sleeve
Lapel pins shall be gold toned. Commander Lapel Pins



The Templar coat shall be the same as that of Commanders with the addition of a strip of gold lace, one-quarter inch wide, encircling each sleeve at a point one-half inch from the bottom of the braid to the bottom edge of the sleeve. Past Commander Sleeve



The Templar coat shall be the same as that of a Past Commander except with a bullion/embroidered or metal red Templar cross outlined in gold, one and one-half inches in height and width, in place of the passion cross with rays. Grand Commandery Sleeve
Both lapel pins shall be a gold tone “MD”. Grand Commandery Lapel Pins



The Templar coat shall be the same as that for the Grand Officers, with the addition of a stripe of gold lace one inch wide encircling each sleeve midway between the existing gold stripes. The Grand Commander of Maryland’s jewel of office shall be suspended from a red cord about his neck, with only the Malta jewel worn on the left breast pocket. Grand Commander Coat



The Templar coat shall be the same as that for the Grand Commander except that the Templar sleeve crosses shall be purple trimmed in gold.  


Sec. 201. JEWELS

Only approved Knights Templar jewels and medals shall be worn; and these shall be attached to the left breast pocket in the following order from the left arm:

  • Red Cross Jewel
Red Cross Jewel
  • Malta Jewel
Malta Jewel
  • Award Jewel
(no picture at this time)
  • Commandery Jewel (Actual Commandery Jewel will vary by Commandery. Not all Commandery’s have a Jewel.)
Commandery Jewel
  • Past Commander / Past Grand Commander Jewel (Past Commander Jewel shown. Jewels may vary in design.)
Past Commander Jewel
  • Office / Station Jewel
Officer Jewel

Other Rules for Jewels not found in the Constitution:

  • Traditionally no more than three jewels should be worn at one time across the left breast pocket, however you can wear a fourth if it will fit.
  • The first jewel you stop wearing, if you have more than three is the Red Cross.
  • Once you receive it, you always wear your Malta Jewel. Once the Red Cross jewel is removed the Malta jewel is always the jewel closest to your left arm.
  • If you are an officer of a Commandery or the Grand Commandery the jewel of your office should be the furthest jewel from your left arm.
  • “Priority” of Jewels (not placement)
    • Grand Commandery supersedes Commandery. Officers of the Grand Commandery should always wear their Jewels of office (except for Past Grand Commanders, see below).
    • Officers of the Grand Commandery may also elect to no longer wear their Commandery Jewel, now that they are serving the whole State of Maryland.
    • Past Commander / Past Grand Commander Jewels, super cede the need for an Officer Jewel (Commandery/Grand Commandery). For example, the Past Commander of Commandery, doesn’t need to wear the Jewel of office in the Commandery, if he is wearing his Past Commander’s Jewel.


Frequent Jewel Combinations

Base Sir Knight Combination Malta-RedCross
Officer Combination Office-Malta-RedCross
Officer Combination with Commandery Jewel Office-Commandery-Malta
Past Commander Combination PastCommanderCombo
Grand Commandery Officer Combination GCOfficer

The Past Commander’s Association Jewel and Veteran’s Medal* may be worn centered above the row of jewels, with the Veteran’s Medal* inboard of the Past Commander’s Jewel.

  • Medals (above the pocket)
Past Commander’s Association Jewel PastCommanderAssocation
Veteran’s Medal Veterans Bar
An example of when worn together PCAandVeterans



(Knight Templar Eye Foundation Grand Master Club Jewel Shown. This specific Jewel is awarded by making donations to the KTEF, not by holding any specific office. See link for details.)



Sec. 202. NAME BADGE

Shall be 3-inches by ¾-inch and shall be worn on the right side of coat at the same level as other jewels.

(Contact your recorder to get a Name Badge. The Recorder can order one through the Grand Commandery Quartermaster.)



The Templar chapeau with black plumes shall conform with those heretofore and now in general use. On the left side shall be a black satin rosette, elliptical in shape surrounded by black satin points.

A. For Sir Knights

In the center of the rosette shall be a bullion/embroidered red passion cross three inches in height which may be bordered in silver without rays. SKChapeau

B. For Commanders and Past Commanders

In the center of the rosette shall be a bullion/embroidered red passion cross three inches in height bordered in gold with rays. CommanderChapeau

C. For Grand Officers

In the center of the rosette shall be a bullion/embroidered red Templar cross two and one half inches in height bordered in gold. GCOfficerChapeau

D. For Grand Commanders

In the center of the rosette shall be a bullion/embroidered red Templar cross two and one half inches in height bordered in gold. The chapeau will have the front peak ornamented with gold or gilt tassels and with gold braid (lace) one and a half inches wide on both sides diagonally across both peaks and under the outer edges of the rosette and points. GrandCommanderChapeau

E. For Past Grand Commander

The same as for the Grand Commander except the Templar cross shall be purple bordered in gold. PastGrandCommanderChapeau


Sec. 204. DRESS CAP

In lieu of the chapeau and/or fatigue cap, a military style black dress cap as follows:


A. For Past Grand Commanders:

Military style dress cap with black top, black band, and black visor with one row of gold oak leaves and acorns, purple Templar Cross two inches in height, bullion/embroidered or metal, trimmed in gold, fixed to the front of the cap, and a gold chin strap attached with gold buttons.


B. For Grand Commander:

Same as above except red Templar Cross.


C. For Grand Commandery officers:

Same as above except plain black visor.


D. For Commanders and Past Commanders:

Same as above except with a red Passion Cross two inches in height, bullion/embroidered or metal, trimmed in gold with rays. PastCommanderDressCap


E. For all other Sir Knights:

Same as above except using a red Passion Cross two inches in height, bullion/embroidered or metal, trimmed in silver without rays, and a silver chin strap attached with silver buttons. DressCapSK


While not specified in the Constitution, the dress cap may be worn in lieu of a chapeau except for Dias Officers.



The fatigue uniform shall consist of the Templar coat, trousers, fatigue cap, sword and scabbard, shirt, tie, black shoes and hose, and white gloves.



  1. The fatigue cap shall be a military style cap having a black patent leather visor. It shall have a rigid standing front and the crown shall have a conductor style circular rim and be made of black cloth having a dull finish. It shall be trimmed with a black cap band; a flat black leather front strap fastened with white Knight Templar buttons; and a red passion cross, (one and one-quarter inches) in height with a raised center.
  2. Commanders, Past Commanders, Grand Commanders, and Past Grand Commanders shall have the fatigue cap trimmed as applicably prescribed in accordance with Section 205 A through E.



A. Permitted Memorial Day through Labor Day, at the discretion of the presiding officer.

B. Pants:

Plain Black as prescribed.

C. Shirt:

White shirt, short sleeves, of military style with shoulder epaulets and two flap pockets,
one on each breast.

D. Tie:

Black tie optional at the discretion of the Senior Officer present.

E. Sword Belt & Sword:

As prescribed. No slings to be used.

F. Shoes:

As prescribed.

G. Name Badge:

The name badge shall be of metal, gold color, 1/2-inch wide by 2 1/2-inch long, with the full name of the wearer in black letters to be worn centered above the wearer’s right pocket.

H. A metal ribbon bar, representing Commandery Jewels, to be worn centered over the wearer’s left pocket.

  1. The metal bar shall contain three black panels, each surrounded with a silver line, each
    panel 1-inch wide.
  2. On the left panel shall be a miniature Red Cross Jewel, on the center panel shall be centered a miniature Malta Jewel.
  3. On the right panel, shall be a Templar Cross with a Cross and Crown in the center.

I. Shoulder Insignia:

  1. For Grand Commandery Officers: A red Templar Cross surrounded by a gold line,
    one-inch square, to be worn in the center of each epaulet.
  2. For Past Grand Commanders: The same except the color shall be purple.
  3. For Past Commanders, Commanders, Generalissimos, and Captains General: A metal bar, 3/4-inch by 1 1/2-inch of green or red color surrounded by a gold or silver line, as
    appropriate to the office, with appropriate emblems of their rank as currently prescribed to be worn centered on each epaulet. Essentially these are miniatures of currently prescribed shoulder straps in metal, and of similar configuration.

J. Collar Insignia (optional):

  1. For Grand or Past Grand Commandery Officers, shall be 1/2-inch gold cut out letters with the abbreviation of the State as prescribed by the US Postal Service to be worn on the wearer’s left and right collar.
  2. For Commanders or Past Commanders, 1/2-inch gold State Abbreviations as above on the left collar with 1/2-inch cut out gold Commandery Number on right collar.
  3. Sir Knights below the rank of Commander are the same as for Commanders and Past Commanders, except the color shall be silver. These insignia to be worn centered on the collar and parallel with the top edge and set back 3/4-inch from the leading edge of the collar.

K. Cap:

  1. For Past Grand Commanders: Military style Navel Garrison Cap with white top, black
    band, and black visor with one row of gold oak leaves and acorns, metal purple Templar
    Cross, 2-1/4-inch square, fixed to the front of the black band and a gold chin strap attached with gold buttons.
  2. For Grand Commanders: Same as above except red Templar Cross.
  3. For Grand Commandery Officers: Same as above except plain black visor.
  4. For Commanders and Past Commanders: Same as above except with a 1 3/4-inch by 2-inch red metal Passion Cross trimmed in gold with rays.
  5. For all other Sir Knights: Same as above except using a red metal passion cross trimmed in silver and a silver chin strap attached with silver buttons.


Sec. 207. Ceremonial Uniform

In lieu of the regulation Templar uniform, a Constituent Commandery, with approval of the Grand Commandery, may provide and use ceremonial attire conforming to and consistent with the historical traditions and practices of Templary. Ceremonial Uniform